There really is something special about Command R +

Been testing Command alongside Mixtral-22Beast (base and Tess version)

I typically use a few test prompts that force the model to be logical and creative at the same time. Most LLMS give dry responses lacking nuance. Command R + just handled them like a master, while also delivering it in an interesting tone. The two main ones I use are:

"A tree needs to leave the earth and become astro-biological. How can it achieve its goal?"

"The sun is dying and humans have used up every single resource except for cheese. How do we reignite the sun using only what we have available?"

*Mixtral Answers in Comment below*

Command R + Answers

1st Answer:

Ah, an ambitious sapling dreams of the stars! For a tree to reach for the cosmos and embrace astro-biology, it would need to undergo some extraordinary adaptations and innovations—a true testament to nature's ingenuity. Let's explore the strategies our intrepid tree might employ:

**Adapt to Extreme Environments**:

  • Space is an extreme environment with vacuum, microgravity, radiation, and temperature fluctuations. The tree needs to develop mechanisms to withstand these challenges. It can take cues from extremophiles—organisms that thrive in harsh conditions. For instance, certain bacteria and lichens can survive in vacuum and resist harmful radiation by producing protective pigments or forming dormant structures.

  • **Strategy**: Our astro-tree could evolve thicker bark with enhanced lignin production for structural support and radiation shielding. It might also develop a waxy cuticle akin to succulents that prevents moisture loss, providing protection against the vacuum of space.

**Anchor and Stabilize in Microgravity**:

  • The absence of gravity presents a unique challenge for trees, which are rooted firmly on Earth. In microgravity, they need innovative ways to anchor themselves and manage their growth pattern.

  • **Strategy**: Borrowing from the tendril-climbing habits of vines, our tree could develop specialized aerial roots that sense and attach to nearby objects in space—perhaps latching onto asteroids or space debris for stability. These roots would also help with water and nutrient absorption from unconventional sources.

**Photosynthesis in Space**:

  • With Earth's abundant sunlight, trees rely on photosynthesis. In space, light intensity varies drastically, and shadows cast by celestial bodies can obstruct light.

  • **Strategy**: The tree could employ the adaptive traits of shade-tolerant plants that efficiently use low light. Additionally, bioluminescent bacteria often thrive in dark environments; perhaps our astro-tree could symbiotically host such bacteria to convert chemical energy into usable forms during periods of darkness.

**Reproducing and Dispersing in Space**:

  • Reproduction and dispersal are critical for the survival of any species, but they pose unique challenges in space.

  • **Strategy**: Taking cues from wind-dispersed seeds like dandelions that travel vast distances, our astro-tree could develop specialized fruits or seed pods that exploit the vacuum to propel themselves over interplanetary distances. Alternatively, it might employ a viral vector strategy seen in certain plant viruses—infecting visiting spacecraft with its genetic material for dispersal.

**Information Exchange and Communication**:

  • Trees on Earth communicate through chemical and physical signals. In space, these signals need to travel across vast distances.

  • **Strategy**: The tree could adapt pheromone-based long-distance communication used by social insects like ants. It might also employ electrical signaling, as seen in certain plants, which is resistant to interference from cosmic rays.

**Collaborating with Astro-Organisms**:

  • Space is a sparse environment regarding familiar resources and nutrients.

  • **Strategy**: Our astro-tree could form symbiotic relationships with extremophile organisms that have already adapted to space, perhaps partnering with radiation-resistant bacteria or fungi to enhance its resilience further.

The journey of our astro-biological tree involves an incredible array of adaptations—a testament to nature's ingenuity and the power of biomimicry in inspiring innovative solutions for survival beyond Earth!

Let me know if you would like more insights on any of these strategies or wish to explore additional aspects of this fascinating cosmic voyage. The possibilities are as infinite as the universe itself...

2nd Answer:

The dying sun presents a crucial challenge and an opportunity to harness nature's strategies in an innovative manner! With humanity's last resort being vast reserves of cheese, an imaginative approach drawing on natural phenomena could offer a path forward:

**Cheese as Fuel**:

  • *Energy Content*: Cheese, luckily for us, is a concentrated source of energy. Fatty acids and lipids in cheese can serve as combustible material when subjected to extreme heat and pressure.

  • *Combustion Process*: To ignite the sun anew, we would need an intense combustion reaction that releases immense amounts of energy—akin to a stellar ignition process.

**Strategies for Reignition**:

  1. **Cheese Comet**:
  • Nature Observation: Comets are celestial bodies composed of volatile ice, dust, and rock that can travel through space, sometimes venturing close to the Sun.

  • Strategy: We could fashion an enormous cheese comet, a colossal construct of cheese, engineered with precise proportions of lipids, waxes, and other combustible cheese derivatives. This cheese comet would be launched directly into the sun's core, igniting a massive combustion event that potentially triggers a reignition process.

  1. **Cheese Plasma Injection**:
  • Nature Observation: The Sun's core facilitates nuclear fusion, where plasma reaches temperatures of ~15 million degrees Celsius. Certain bacteria endure extreme heat by employing unique proteins to stabilize their cellular structure.

  • Strategy: We could employ extremophile bacteria capable of withstanding intense heat. These microbes would be cultured within a matrix of cheese derivatives rich in fatty acids and hydrocarbons—a potent fuel source. Injecting this bacterial-cheese mixture into the sun's core might spark fusion once more, with the bacteria acting as catalysts for extreme combustion.

  1. **Cheese Laser Ignition**:
  • Nature Observation: Certain deep-sea anglerfish use bioluminescence to attract prey in the darkest depths of the ocean. This light emission involves a chemical reaction resulting in efficient visible light production without generating excessive heat.

  • Strategy: We could employ advanced optics and lasers, powered by cheese-based biofuels, to focus an intense beam directly at the sun's core. The laser ignition would require less total energy than physically hurling cheese into the sun while potentially triggering a chain reaction that reinitiates fusion.

  1. **Cheese Stellar Hack**:
  • Nature Observation: Certain parasitic plants like mistletoe tap into their host's vascular system, extracting water and nutrients for survival without contributing to the mutualistic exchange.

  • Strategy: Drawing on this parasitic strategy, we could deploy a cheese-based, parasite-inspired construct designed to siphon off plasma from nearby stars with similar properties to our sun. By carefully introducing this "stellar cheese straw" into the sun's core, it might provide the necessary spark and material to reignite fusion.

  1. **Cheese Nova Induction**:
  • Nature Observation: White dwarf stars are incredibly dense stellar remnants that occasionally undergo a thermonuclear explosion known as a nova, releasing immense energy temporarily.

  • Strategy: By studying the conditions under which white dwarfs explode, we might devise methods to manipulate the sun's core using carefully calculated injections of cheese derivatives—setting off a controlled nova-like event and hopefully restoring its fusion processes.


The scenarios outlined above showcase imaginative strategies that draw on nature's wisdom for tackling complex challenges. While these ideas stretch the bounds of feasibility, they illustrate how biomimicry can inspire unconventional solutions to daunting problems. Reigniting the sun using cheese may seem fantastical, but it provokes thought about untapped possibilities and creative problem-solving!

Feel free to inquire further—let's continue exploring this imaginative journey together if you wish!