Tops on manifesting SP back.

Tips on manifesting an ex back

So guys, my SP and I broke up a long time ago (2 years and a half), we had a short but very intense, soulful and fulfilling time together and i knew since that time she was the woman of my life and that we had to live together i could feel she is my Soul mate, she came to me as a present from God after a very toxic relationship i had and i knew It was her but a number of childish and pathetic mistakes from my part made her not trust me and It went downhill (i did not cheat here, but i lied about a part of my life), she broke up with me soon after and we ended up saying some really negative stuff to each other i could feel to some extent i ended up manifesting that bad outcome since i could feel my energy lowering at that time (and i suspect there was some Black Magic done against me by someone), we broke up to sum up. Since then i've been trying to manifest her but i've been having problems going back to the 3D and lingering in the Old story, specially the bad things said, what are your tips and counsels for me to achieve my fulfilled desire. She's really special and i know I'm special to her as well, i wanna be with her till we get old and I'm going to get my wish fulfilled!