[PC] H: Weapons (Fixers, Combat rifles, Handmade), Rare outfits, Plans W: Rare outfits
Combat Rifle 3*: Furious / Explosive / 50 Damage Resistance while aiming
The Fixer 3*: Furious / 25% increased fire rate / 15% Faster Reload
The Fixer 3*: Furious / Explosive / 1 Agility
The Fixer 3*: Mutant’s / Explosive / VATS critical meter fills 15% faster
The Fixer 3*: Quad / 10% increased damage while aiming / 15% Faster Reload
Handmade 2*: Two Shot / Explosive
Combat Rifle 2*: Two Shot / Explosive
TSFR50 Radium rifle
B Attack Dmg 1E Grognak's axe
VAMP FR 15R Railway rifle
Ranger Outfit Clean
Ranger Hat Clean
Clean Spacesuit
Clean Spacesuit Helmet
Straight Jacket Clean
Grey Fisherman's Overalls
Hunter's Long Coat
Grafton Monster Mask
Strongman outfit
Fasnacht crazy guy mask
Longshoreman Outfit
Plan: Animatronic Clown
Plan: Bed of nails
Plan: Circus cage trailer
Plan: Insurgent outfit
Plan: Safari Crocolossus backpack
Plan: Treasure hunter hat
Plan: Treasure hunter outfit
Asylum Worker Uniform Forest
Asylum Worker Uniform Red
Responder Fireman Helmet
Leather Coat (NOT Traveling Leather Coat)
Tattered Field Jacket
Pirate Costume
Pirate Costume Hat
Fireman Uniform
Jack O'Lantern Pant Suit
Jack O'Lantern Short Suit