Husband (28M) drafted a contract to approve me (32f) visiting my parents on weekends.
My husband (28M) and I (32F) have been happily married for one year. We have few disagreements other than me visiting my parents overnight (they live nearby). Every time I want to visit, usually every other weekend to stay over for a night or two, it's an argument. His side is that because I am married, I shouldn't be spending nights out anywhere without him.
We got tired of the endless arguing and back and forth over text or in person, so I jokingly proposed a contract template I can make to petition visiting my parents on specific dates for a set number of nights. He was actually in agreement, with the caveat that if he doesn't "approve," I can't continue asking. We actually printed a number of these contracts - "I, [husband's name], do/do not approve [my name] visiting her parents in [city] for [number] of nights on [dates]." So far he's "approved" one visit (but one night less than I asked for).
I guess I'm not looking for advice, but I do sometimes feel this is excessive even though he is not controlling or abusive (I'm sure I'll get those comments) whatsoever. Do your spouses have problems with you visiting family overnight? Is this normal?