Nando Cut, a bigger Marvel youtuber, talks about quitting Snap

Nando Cut does a lot of Marvel/superhero movie reviews. Seems like every month he has a few videos hit 100ks views. He's quitting in part since his Snap content doesn't do comparatively well to his usual, but also more pressing the complaints of predatory FOMO grind etc.

Seems important because his audience are casual fans who MIGHT play the game. No one on this sub care about him, but he's peak gateway for casuals getting deeper into Marvel. He'd get more new players, over say Regis (who is amazing)who only makes stuff for existing fans. And he's speaking out against the game.

I'm sure commenters say he's not that popular or whatever. In the grand scheme this is nothing but it is another notch. will Anyone who's played any live service game or MMORPG knows that when you stop having new blood you can only squeeze your current player base so hard.

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