What type
Based off this info what type am I?
I don’t settle for hunches or presumptions I prefer logic and sound evidence. Data driven, I take a structured, matter-of-fact approach to everyday tasks.
Although I can be optimistic im normally Pessimistic
Can't stand Hypocritical/dumb people
Goofy around those close to me. I like to joke with those close to me
Very nerdy, I love the Fantasy, Sci Fi, and Horror genre. Most of what I read, write, and watch are from those genres. I play DnD, Magic the Gathering, RPGS. I like jigsaw puzzles.
RBF all the time. People ask me a lot if I'm ok. I look mad all the time apparently
I try to get everything I need to get done right away so I'm free to relax and do what I want.
Irritated easily
I'm told I'm confrontational and opinionated
I'm caring toward those close to me and protective
I like to quote movies for fun. I use them all the time throughout my day
Like to debate and im political
Liberal and athiest
Science minded
Very skeptical
Value autonomy and often prefer to work alone. Self-reliant and dislike micromanagement. I enjoy taking control of my own projects and ideas
Calm under stress, usually end up in charge of planning projects at work
I can usually figure out a movie pretty fast or what's going to happen
Used to do a lot of sports stuff for fun(Baseball, Hockey, track and field, bmx, skateboarding, basketball) but as I got older gaming and my nerdy hobbies ultimately took over because they made me happier.
Overall im not super chaotic or impulsive.
Im not super rebellious but can be when it's logical
I can be controlling
Im very picky
Prefer routines
I prefer to be in charge of myself. I don't like being micromanaged
I can be picky with some things and I have OCD about certain things.
I don’t like my work out or game time being interrupted
I can be easy going or “go with the flow” provided that “the flow” is going in a direction im happy with
Okay with following authority figures (bosses, leaders, etc) provided they are legit in their earning of said authority. I don’t follow blindly simply because they’re labeled an “authority figure” I follow because I believe they deserve and earned their titles of authority through actual work and logic.
My wife has described me as a rock