Don't think ME is totally immune to "AI"

Saw a job posting (link below) this morning for a local start-up trying to develop an AI ME. Sounds like their concept of an AI ME is closer to a CAD jockey if that's any consolation.

This not a "doom and gloom" post saying that it's over and run for the exits but rather as a warning to build your skills.

I think"AI" will for a long time still struggle to translate a digital product into a real prototype or do highly technical novel engineering development. So my plan and suggestion is to develop skills that focus on skills outside of CAD/FEA (work that is digital in-digital out) and focus on novel-ish R&D work that requires both deskwork and lab work. Additionaly I think if you can build enough experience to be a senior reviewer to check the AI work that might be safe enough for a bit.

Also just because they are trying to make an AI ME doesn't mean that they will succeed in building a good one. But that also will not stop them from doing layoffs and trying to to replace MEs anyway.

Job posting