SMT III Nocturne

I started to play this after seeing people say it's better than V. Battle system is good, kind of adictive. The game is not that difficult in the dungeons, but the bosses are super hard. I think it's just a unbalanced game, i mean, even saving anywhere on SMT V, you can still get a lot of Game Over screens. The prizes for fully explore the dungeons are consumable itens that you will need to use because you explored the dungeon (which makes me feel a stupid moron in a pointless cycle), while in V we have miman, gloria, essences, Aogami husks and i absolutely loved explore the maps. I'm dropping SMT III, the story is not interesting enough to keep me playing and about the lore, i prefer SMT IV's much more. This game is very far to be better than V. Sorry Nocturne fãs, no offenses, just my humble opinion.