Animal Sacrifices in Neighborhood **TW**

Hi so for a long time now Ive been made aware of a neighbor who sacrifices animals for religious purposes. Its been going on for years. I've seen a handful of dec^pit^ted cats, chickens, ducks. Today it was a little goat. Beheaded and disemboweled.

We have a canal that runs through the neighborhood and that is where they discard the body. In some cases, it gets stuck in between rocks underneath our dock and it eventually decomposes there or gets trapped under other peoples boat propellors.

I don't actually know which neighbor it is nor which direction it comes from since the current switches often. I know its a common religious practice here and Im not judging but the situation with the bodies floating out on the water is a violent sight (and horrific smell).

My question is, Is this legal? Should I report this? If so, who should I call?