Let’s talk about the things not talked about.

I wish my provider would have told me more about what to expect with my IUD. I know not everyone gets these side effects but I wanted to talk about mine. Incase you’re ever wondering if this is “normal”.

1) my first side effect was jelly mucous. No color. No scent. Just a glob of it when I wiped. About a week or two after insertion. I get this as well after my period. So far I still bleed monthly..

2) your body trying to expel the IUD for two weeks after insertion (heavy cramps that feels like the iud is spinning like a cotton candy machine scraping the barrel) I occasionally still get this here and there 3 months later.

3) hard nipples. I have inverted nipples that rarely get hard. Now I have hard nipples 🤣

4) bad acne on my chin, and jaw line closer to period.

5) HS symptoms being triggered and cysts/bumps on armpit and inner groin.