Alcohol + mirt + Kratom
This post is only going to help a very small portion of this community. So I have a really bad social anxiety and trouble sleeping so I have been prescribed mirt to help with both of those. While mirt has been a godsend for sleep and helped some with everyday social anxiety I have had a big problem with it. The problem is I haven’t been able to drink on it. When I have drank on it it puts me in this very odd non social mood and I wasn’t able to be any kind of fun when I was drunk. Before mirt I really relied on being on drunk/highly buzzed to attend any kind of social event or one on one time with a female and since I am in college these events happen often. While I’ve been on mirt I have been avoiding these events because when I am drunk on mirt I am almost worst then myself sober when it comes to socializing. But today I decided to take some kratom extract because I was bored and while on it decided to have a few beers to see if the combo would make me social like how I was before I started the mirt and drank alcohol and believe it or not I was very social and it turned out to be a great night! Now I know this is bizzare but the moral of this post is that if you have trouble being social when you drink while on mirt, I would recommend trying kratom with alcohol, now please if you’ve never done kratom then I would only have like one beer your first time and then work yourself up from there.