Parasol Diapers review
Don’t do it.
Do not. Do. It.
I’ve tried a lot of the subscription diaper brands, Coterie was great until they changed the formula and started giving my toddler diaper rash, they gave me a full refund and told me to keep or donate the diapers they sent out that I wouldn’t use anymore- amazing customer service.
Kudos just weren’t our cup of tea, they were very stiff and not very soft so we didn’t buy again.
EasyPea Co. same as Kudos, but the smell was god awful the second it got wet. The stench of wet whatever they used to fill the diapers with permeated through anything and everything and I couldn’t bare it, didn’t buy again either.
Our favorites have been Millie Moon at Target, leak free, generally clean ingredients, stupid soft like I would wear them if they had a postpartum size (lol) and there’s zero smell- they keep my babies bums dry as a desert even when the diaper is fully soaked (overnights) which I always thought was nuts.
We decided to switch it up because Millie moons downside is they’re often sold out at all the targets around us so if I don’t stock up I’m SOL.
I found Parasol Co, looked promising, they arrived and were soft enough, so we thought we found the solution.
We have had accidents from both my 3month old and my 2 year old EVERYWHERE. At first I thought I just didn’t put the diapers on right, tried a bunch of trouble shooting, but 4 bedsheet changes, 3 car seat washes, and 1 couch steam clean later, I realize these diapers leak SO BAD. You have about 5 minutes to notice they’ve peed and change their diaper before it spills everywhere. I’ve even noticed it straight up spilling out of the diaper after I’ve rolled it up getting it ready to throw out. They also have the horrible odor that EasyPea Co has.
I finally was fed up with it and sent them an email requesting a refund, I had two boxes that were just shipped and unopened and I told them I would not be using them- $153 in this economy is a LOT, not to mention I need that money to buy our regular diapers instead. They offered a refund but only AFTER I’ve shipped back both giant boxes, so 10-14 days later. As if I, a mother of an infant, a toddler, and an 8year old have the time and hands to take these to the post office and ship them back! They also made it very clear that I’m to pay the shipping fees and there will be no refunds on that or the previous shipping fees either.
Such a hassle. Crap diapers. Stay away.