Girls is it time to arm up?

So, I was waiting for my bus after finishing work today. The sun had just set not too long ago, so the outside light was starting to dim. (I already knew the whole situation felt kinda sus.)

While I was sitting there waiting, a man and his friend approached me. Out of nowhere, he put his hand on my thigh and whispered, telling me not to run or scream. I completely froze because, to be honest, I had never been in a situation like this before. It only got worse when his friend sat down on my left side, effectively trapping me.

The guy on the left, immediately after sitting down, told me they would kill me if I made a move. Then, I suddenly felt what seemed like the barrel of a gun, some sort of pistol, pressing against my back. I did have pepper spray on me, but they quickly separated me from my purse, so I sat there, trying to process everything and think of a way to escape. I even tried to get up, but they held me down. Then they both started verbally harassing me, calling me all the usual conservative trans slurs (which I’m not repeating here).

Almost immediately after that, a white van pulled up close to the bus stop. That’s when they started escorting me toward it, and I instantly panicked because all the sirens and alarms in my head were going off. Out of sheer desperation, I headbutted one of them, latched onto the metal beam of the bus stop, and started screaming as loud as I could. The second man pointed his gun at me and yelled at me to stop, but I just kept screaming.

Fortunately, I got lucky, they only pistol-whipped me instead of shooting me before they ran off in their van. Honestly, I’m still so shaken up, and even now, I can’t believe any of that actually happened. When some of the girls here mentioned they needed to arm up because of the current climate, I thought I wouldn’t need to since I live in California, but I guess not.

I already made a police report with a deputy, but it’s still so recent that there haven’t been any updates yet. The first man was a Caucasian male, roughly in his 50s to 60s, about 6 feet tall, with black hair and a walrus-like mustache. The other man, the one with the gun, was a Hispanic male, around 20 to 30 years old, approximately 5’7” to 6 feet tall, with black hair.

They were both wearing dark clothing, but I’m not sure of the material or make since my mind completely blanked on that detail.

This happened near the Lake Ave & California Blvd bus stop in Pasadena. Please, anyone in the area—and in general—stay alert and be aware of your surroundings.

P.S if any girlies here, knows any resources to get my conceal carry here in Cali, I would love you, thankies 💖

Update: After letting the night pass and reading through everyone's responses, I think it's best that I take some time and separate myself from this and heal from the trauma before ever getting my conceal carry. You girls are all so sweet and I thank you all for the support you've shown me. 😊