MD Quiz 2!
Random MD Quiz 2!
Heyo, it is I, RT, with another random 10-question quiz! Feel free to put your answers in the comments. I will try my best to grade them by using my answer key XD. (I was bored so I made another quiz...)
1- How many vowels does the full company name "JCJenson InSpace" have?
2- What is Doll's reply to Lizzy asking where her folks are?
3- What is the first-ever line Cyn says in the show?
4- What is Tessa's father's reaction to her holding his revolver?
5- What is the name of the drone which N gives a hand-drawn card to to apologize?
6- What Error does V's vision flash in the manor flashback/memory?
7- According to herself, what is the reason why J keeps coming back after dying?
8- What is the most common reason for a WD Unit Disassembly and Disposal? And what percentage is it?
9- Who is the scientist that calls out to Mitchell?
10- According to Khan, what are three the reasons Uzi takes after "her old man"?