This subreddit is a joke and is the furthest thing from representing Namibia.

This subreddit is clearly for white Namibians only. What you believe is right is what goes here—it in no way represents how the majority of Namibians actually think.

I got blocked simply because I got tired of reading the covert (and sometimes overt) racism on here. The kind of racism that hides itself and that acts as if it isn't racism but it is and it is immensely condescending and demeaning. Every time land reform or expropriation is mentioned, I have to listen to the same tired arguments about how it will "destroy the economy" or how it is "unlawful" and "unconstitutional." Then, in the same breath, I’m told that the very people who refuse to share any resources with the indigenous majority, who until a few decades (and even after) explicitly called themselves Europeans, are now “Africans” and that I have no right to say otherwise.

I’m constantly lectured about how Black Namibians must build industries, get educated, and eliminate corruption as if that is the only way forward—coming from people who have never had to do any of that themselves. Your wealth and resources exist because the apartheid government forcibly expropriated land and property from our ancestors and sold it to your families for next to nothing. That’s how most businesses and land ended up in white hands. It wasn’t through hard work or innovation—it was through exclusion and state-backed socialism for a privileged few.

What’s worse is the hypocrisy in how history is understood and presented. The core narrative of Western civilization is that progress comes from the empowerment of the peasant class in Europe. They claim that after the Black Death, so many peasants died that the lords had to start granting them more rights and privileges to attract labor. Over time, this supposedly led to the rise of property rights, which became central to the Enlightenment, capitalism, and industrialization. This is the historical narrative they push—it’s what they say. But if that’s true, then why does the same principle suddenly not apply when Black people are the majority? Why is economic empowerment through land reform good for European history but “disastrous” for us? Either that entire historical argument is false, or you only believe in these ideas when white people benefit from them.

Under universal human rights law, no legal right can be claimed if it originates from an immoral act. And yet, our own government continuously breaks these laws. This is one of the many reasons why so many young Black Namibians, myself included, despise it—and why our resentment only grows. Meanwhile, we are expected to buy back our own land or wait for a corrupt government—one funded and influenced by the business interests of the wealthy white minority—to hand over land that has already been stripped of its value.

What I, and many others outside this subreddit, truly want is for you to be honest about who you are. You do not care about us. If everything went bad tomorrow, you would flee immediately, leaving us behind to fend for ourselves, so stop pretending. Be honest, and take down the Namibian flag from this subreddit, because there is nothing Namibian or African about this space.