NM sent a text about me to me on accident
Meant MB in title* Needing advice and to rant. She sent this this morning: “Well, I guess let me clarify it. She has to go. I'm not gonna write out step-by-step. How to make fucking dinner or write out a list of things like put the vacuum away or clean a handprint off the fucking bathroom mirror so we need to find childcare for ___ and ___ for three days a week because Julie doesn't have any availability and she probably won't for like two years and when I mentioned something to your mom yesterday, she didn't say a single thing about Watching them even for one day so l'm not gonna ask her to watch them.” The “she” is me. Julie is the daycare provider. I watch two kids during the day (1.5 and 3) and two more after school (5 and 9) for $18 an hour. Also, the vacuum was out when I got there, I didn’t take it out, I didn’t know if it was there for a reason or not so I just left it, since I didn’t get it out I didn’t even think twice about putting it away. In our contract it said I would be responsible for dishes and tasks that she listed out but now she is saying she doesn’t have the time to make a list and that I should just clean the messes I didn’t make or didn’t happen while I was there (I’m focused on the be kids and not the things that need to be cleaned). I’ve been doing their dishes from the night before (adults and kids), all of their laundry, and sweeping and mopping occasionally. The kids are really picky and when I try to make them dinner, they say they want mom and dads cooking or they want something else and they won’t eat what I make them. That’s why I wanted a list of dinners they like and how to make them the way they like (so they will eat it). I’m at a loss as this was really hurtful to hear since she hasn’t communicated these things to me before. I feel like I’m going slightly above what we agreed upon and she’s thinking I’m doing less than what she’s paying for. She felt really bad after she sent it and realized her mistake, but it’s hard to look past. Any advice on what to do? We talked it out a bit but I’m feeling like this might be the end for me as it seems like she’s wanting more help cleaning and I’m more focused on just watching the kids and cleaning the messes we make.
UPDATE: I sent a text saying I’d help until she found a replacement, she said that it was a blessing in disguise that it was sent bc she wouldn’t have been able to tell me how she felt otherwise. She said she’d understand if I wanted to be done but also said she’d be willing to work something out if I wanted that also. I sent this in response: “I think we should talk specifics out in person, but I’m thinking it would be best for both of us if I transitioned out of this role. I don’t feel like I can adequately or confidently provide the help you’re looking for. In my previous roles, I was mostly responsible for cleaning the dishes we used and picking up the messes we made throughout the day. I was mostly sticking to the contract we came up with. I feel awful about this because I know how much you have on your plate, but I also want to be honest about where I’m at. I completely understand that your message was in the heat of the moment, and I know you’ve been under a lot of stress. That said, I worry that I’ll feel like I’m walking on eggshells or needing to go beyond my role in order to be useful. I don’t want either of us to feel like we’re settling, snd I think someone else might be a better fit for what you’re looking for.” We talked this morning and she said she will probably just take off work for three days a week rather than finding a replacement because they will need to find someone for all four the entire day in the summer. So she left it up to me if I wanted to work for two weeks if I needed the money or if I wanted today to be my last day. I plan on texting her that today will be my last day. DB and MB own an insurance business so she has a flexible work schedule.