Is anyone else haunted by the critical eye of their nex?

Long after we broke up, two years ago, it’s like I still feel his presence judging everything I do. It feels like he’s always standing there commenting on everything.

As an example, he told me that whenever I spoke my voice held an anxiety in it “beyond his reckoning”. It was one of the reasons he discarded me, because he considered it a sign that I was mentally unwell. Now I feel incredibly conscientious about my voice. I used to be fairly confident on the phone, but work calls now scare me.

In general, I now question everything I do down to small tasks.

Washing dishes now gives me anxiety because he would insist I didn’t do it right and then reload the washer the “correct” way.

I don’t understand why this happened to me or how to regain my confidence.

Has anyone else had this experience?