When will the replays stop
I’m about 6 months post final break up with my ex and it’s been a rough road all around in terms of the whole relationship being a mind fuck to trying to make sense of it all and heal. So I learned from Dr. Ramani about rumination being a hallmark trait of being in a narcissistic relationship…the constant trying to figure out what’s going on and make sense of it all…during the relationship…but I feel like it’s continued post break up and I still replay memories (I have a very strong visual and verbal memory when it’s tied to strong emotions…which was this whole relationship…strong emotional responses being things like feeling complete rejection, anger, anxiety, depression, confusion, etc) over and over as if still trying to confirm that yes, this was an abusive relationship and yes I was abused. Like I will read things or watch things about narcissists online and sometimes be like…wait…maybe I am the narcissist, so I go through all the replays or they just pop up and I am like, no, he was definitely the instigator of the abuse and my responses were not the best…obviously, given I stayed with the fucker for 2 1/2 years longer than he deserved (our whole relationship was about 2 1/2 years long). Any relate or have tips on how to just stop thinking about him/ replaying memories/rumination?