Smoking weed and passing out?
So for the past couple years, I consistently have had the experience where when I get too high, I almost or do pass out—as in, my vision blacks out and I fall (twice I’ve like gone from standing to slumping to the ground, one time I just completely fell/slumped against a door frame). lol, one time it happened right in the middle of the dance floor in a bar—my friend with me just started shouting, “ITS OKAY EVERYONE, SHES FINE, SHE JUST HAS NARCOLEPSY”.
Anyway, the experience of “passing out” is always super brief and I can also avoiding fully “passing out” if I lie down and like “sleep” (it’s almost is like it forces me into a brief microsleep or something??).
The big thing is that weed isn’t supposed to make you pass out and this is a consistent experience I’ve had (with varying strains and forms of smoking). So after a while I chalked it up to my narcolepsy, guessing it may be the result of when I smoke too much, my brain gets overly “depressed” (as weed is a depressant) and essentially like short-circuits and “falls asleep” or something like that?
LOL, I was just wondering if anyone else has a similar experience? (also I’ve had an N2 diagnosis since 2015 and am 24 years old female)