I manifested my ex girlfriend back! (Read if you have doubt)

Hey everyone!

Two months ago, my girlfriend broke up with me (my fault) and the chance of getting back together was close to none. Probably, like many of you, the first thing I would do is go on YouTube and search for “how to get my ex back” and let me tell you that you should avoid these gurus at all costs. They are milking money on desperate people (I spent over $100 on courses and guides… yeah) and the only valuable thing was the no contact, everything else was false!

I was in such a bad state that I had to go to a therapist, and then she said that I should meditate. I started doing meditation and it helped clear my mind. Not long after, I was researching all of the possible ways to get my ex-girlfriend back, and then it happened… I came upon Neville Goddard!

The law of attraction and detachment was something I knew about a long time ago but when I discovered the law of assumption and self-concept, I was instantly drawn to it. I started with listening to YouTubers talk about Neville, and it was a good start but then I figured out that the most efficient way of learning was through his books. It was a hard pill to swallow because I had to force myself to change my beliefs, and embrace that “I am”. What helped me the most was affirmations, meditation, and self-concept. I think that every day, looking at myself in the mirror and talking to myself things like “I am God” “I am my creator” “I can have anything I desire” and “My ex wants me” helped a lot. I had to embrace only myself and trust the rest. It’s simple (now when I look back) but it can be hard at some times, because of the doubt that I was having. Doubt is not your enemy! When you doubt, all you have to do is stand still, and inner talk to yourself, calm your thoughts down by saying “Hey hey… it will be okay, you’re doing a good job” (or whatever works for you) and sooner than later, you will feel okay and these doubts will come less often.

Around 1 and a half months after the breakup, I and my ex reconnected, and I still didn’t believe it. Why? Because what I imagined didn’t happen right away. We went out and it was beautiful but when I asked her where her mind at, she said that she didn’t want to be in a relationship with me but wanted me as a friend. Uhh… that hit pretty hard since I was madly in love with her but I agreed to stay friends with her. Two days later, she asked me out, and again, she didn’t change her mind. The doubt was rising but I couldn’t accept that it was not happening. The thing that reassured me was that I took a step back and realized that I did manifest my ex-girlfriend back, but not exactly the way I wanted, and I convinced myself that I should be patient, and not force anything. I realized that what held me back was thinking that “she doesn’t want me” because of the 3D. I didn’t let go of the 3D and that was the issue!

The day before our last meeting (at my place) I was meditating on self-concept and then I did the visualization where she was standing, at my place, kissing me, hugging me, and telling me how much she loves me. I felt that to the core of my soul, I cried during the session because everything felt so real. When she came to my place, we ate dinner, and after that, we went to sit on the couch to watch TV. I have 2 separate couches, and I was the one that sat first. She chooses to sit on the other couch. I was done, I thought “Naah… she doesn’t want me”. I made an excuse and went to the bathroom. I nearly cried looking at my mirror, whispering to myself “God… please, show me a sign”

After that, I went downstairs, sat on the couch, and continued watching the TV, and there it was… the sign! On a TV show, one girl said to the camera “All women want is that man initiates things, it makes them want you” and when I saw that, my intuition told me that I should just go and kiss her. I was scared since she rejected me multiple times but I just knew I had to do it now or never. It was all or nothing, even if that resulted in losing her as a friend. I took the leap and the image that was in my visualization came to realization. We kissed and hugged, and she told me that she wanted me, loved me, and would never leave me again. Everything happened so fast. I took her home, and I screamed in my car, bursting into tears, and thanking GOD. At that moment I knew I could manifest anything I wanted. Because she was the biggest gem I wanted. And I got her back.

I was looking back and I realized that patience is the key, doubt will not destroy your manifestation, and trust your intuition, because you HAVE TO take action! Search for the signs if you must, and trust your instincts. Every circumstance leading to that moment I imagined. Now, I am the one who is ready to get every single desire I have, with ease, knowing that I have the most precious thing I desire.

I hope this helps someone, and if you have any questions or suggestions. Let me know, and I will be happy to answer every single one of them. I wanna give back to the community that helped me get through this! Thank you all!