Focus on breaking the illusion of time for instant manifestations
There is only the now moment. The past and future are manifestations themselves as well as the mind and the body. Knowing this you can break the ego mind into believing time is worthless and nothing more than a gauge that can be useful for interacting with others and things but meaningless for manifesting or god.
You need resd read read read until your mind breaks down and abandons the man/woman ego mind and sees time being illogical. This will allow for instant manifestations of any kind.
I was in the shower and affirmed "I have always been free of OCD, negative thought tendencies, obessive thoughts and intrusive thoughts" and my body instantly shifted and i felt as if someone put me back on zoloft/adderall from my teen years. It felt as if i stood up straighter and had a dopamine spike.
I cant even remember what happened yesterday and i know it was unfavorable. I am revising what i dont even remember to be good now and i feel absolute peace.
Please ask questions if you have them. Im scatter brained right now because so much just happened but i am willing to help you.