Newborn literally will not nap in the day

Just wondering if this is normal and will pass on its own?

He’s nearly 6 weeks- he’s incredibly cranky recently and although I know 6 weeks is often peak fussiness, I feel a lot of it is to do with the fact that he’s tired.

He sleeps okay in the night but the day, he doesn’t really sleep at all. He will nap if I wear him in his carrier or if I take him out in his pram sometimes but that’s it. Today for the first time I tried something different, after tummy time and a feed, when he started yawning I went upstairs to a dark room, wrapped him, put on his noise machine and then rocked him until his eyes started to close, I let him nap in my arms for about 15 minutes before putting him into the crib slowly and he stayed asleep for maybe 10 minutes before crying again. I’ve tried it a few times since and it hasn’t worked at all.

Should I just give up? I’m hoping this is something that will get better on its own because I can’t seem to do anything to fix it.