There are jerks everywhere. :/

Hanging out on a popular planet the other night, and see a conversation near a portal go as follows:

P1: get off my base

P2: what, I’m on my own base?

P1: no, Im gonna build there and already have a base just over the hill. I want to connect a 2nd base to my 1st one and yours is in the way

P2: I thought I could build as long as the computer let me

P1: it’s rude to build at a portal anyway without providing resources, all you have is a shack

P2: I’m sorry, should I delete my base then?

P1: please do

Now, I’m invested because I feel awful for P2. P2 and their base disappears, and I go watch P1 build their base next to the portal. They immediately start shooting at me (but I have PVP turned off), so I sit down and just watch. They filled my inventory with a bunch of junk, shot at me some more, then kept building lol.

The next night, the base was complete, with a comm ball that says “I OWN THIS PLACE - DONT PUT ANY BASES HERE”

Initially I thought the player was just an asshole, but the comm ball made me wonder if maybe it’s just a dumb kid who’s not really part of the NMS community vibe.

I know, there’s assholes everywhere and NMS isn’t immune.

Just wish I could find P2 and tell them they can build wherever they want, and want to give them all my valuable items.

Edit: came back to a wild amount of awesome comments. I love this community so much. Meant to get the coords earlier tonight but got wrapped up - I’ll update with them in a bit.

Edit 2 - coords posted in comments.

Edit 3 - y’all are a riot. The comm balls and adjacent base names have me dead.

Edit 4 - it’s a party I guess.. brolorepublic is upset at our actions 😞