How can I as a girl be better at sex?
Hey! I am a 26 year-old girl and have limited (?) sexual experiences (I have been with 3-4 guys but none of them were long-term, one-offs). I also have never experimented with doing things myself.
I recently went on 4 dates with a guy who I really liked. They were all long dates (5-6 hours) and pretty romantic energy. We did dinners, day time things, activities, etc. The vibe felt really good and same with the texting and what not. He seemed attracted to me (lots of compliments, very touchy, etc). On our 4th date, we unexpectedly had sex and I slept over. I didn't expect to do this but I haven't dated in a few months (I took a break for a bit after being in something in Chicago) so I wasn't thinking much.
He texted me after saying he felt like we weren't sexually compatible and that's something that's important to him for long-term compatibility. I was a little hurt because I thought I did something wrong? or that I'm bad at it?
The sex was maybe awkward? I'm on the shyer side, but there was also no communication. I went with the flow but didn't initiate too much or really know what to do. It didn't flow but I thought that was normal for the first time with someone. I think he was attracted to me because before we had sex all of that was fine but I'm not sure.
What are ways I should improve or think this through? Should I feel bad that he said that like is it personal? Or was he unattracted to me suddenly? Thank you for your answers
I usually look at sex as a way to please the person I am with. I think that in itself makes me feel good? But now I am thinking that maybe that is not the right way to approach things so I'd like to be more open minded.
I have always struggled with body confidence due to my history of having a pretty bad eating disorder. I'm pretty small and have a "normal" body but still find this difficult. So I think I am on the "shy" side in bed and don't really know what to do but this has never been an issue in the past.