Why are some human tragedies socially accepted punchlines, while some are frowned upon? For example: Titanic, Witchhunts are accepted, while Third Reich & 9/11 arent.

It feels like making jokes about the Third Reich or 9/11 is much more inappropriate than, say, joking about the sinking of the Titanic or the witch trials. But in the latter case, we're talking about systemic, large-scale mass murder of women. So why is it "funny" when people playfully call me a witch because of my red hair? Or joke that I don’t have a soul? And why is it okay to have bouncy castles and toys themed around the sinking of the Titanic? Could you imagine the same thing with the World Trade Center?

One could argue that time is a factor. But at the same time, we can observe a growing sensitivity towards other historical tragedies, like the exploitation of Indigenous peoples in the Americas. So what makes one tragedy fair game for humor and commercialization, while others remain off-limits?