What if people were allowed to swear on air, youtube videos, cartoons, or even the radio?

I was lying in bed last night staring at the ceiling. I was thinking about how people would react if they made a kids show where everyone was allowed to swear. I thought about how people would react if someone swore on YouTube or even the radio. I also thought about how people might react if they heard someone swear in public. I think that if someone can't handle it, they should suck it up.

I honestly wish it were possible. I think it would be great to have people be able to swear in different videos or radio and still get recognized and even get monetized for it. It would be refreshing to hear some honesty and raw emotion instead of all the careful, sugar-coated language we're used to.

If you're offended by swearing, it's time to adjust. We need to stop tip-toeing around offending people and start being more honest and raw in our communication

It's important to distinguish between different kinds of swearing. Normal, casual conversation swearing is fine, as is swearing when you're hurt. But sexual, rude, and directed at someone swearing should stay taboo.

Just keep it lwk 🤫