Sober alcoholic and occasional bulimic: Vitamin deficiency?
Hello! Due to my recent state of health I am wondering if my lifestyle caused some vitamin/mineral deficiencies. Unfortunately I cannot get any blood work done at the moment so I’d like to ask you all.
I am 110 days sober and I’ve been a bulimic since I was 12. I am a small 25 yo woman and I don’t eat particularly healthy but I eat enough. Mostly unhealthy carbs tho. When I was drinking I always drank beer. Just beer, nothing else, but I was able to drown six pack and half a day at the end.
Since I stopped drinking I’ve been actually experiencing some minor health issues. Brain fog and really awful sleep quality and sleep patterns, digestion issues, inability to shit at all, I am more prone to sickness than I used to be, I keep suffering from mouth herpes and the corners of my mouth are painfully cracked. I also had pink eye several times which I haven’t had since I was 10.
After searching internet high and low I found a vitamin deficiency which had crazily accurate list of the same symptoms: riboflavin deficiency. And voila, it’s common in alcoholics.
That made me think if there are any other things I should supplement while my body is healing from the damage I’ve caused to it.
Any experiences? Or could you direct me to a sub that would be more appropriate for this question?