What’s with Nepal claiming everything on tiktok?
So i use tiktok with VPN sometimes and i have seen a lot, like a LOT, of Nepalis claiming NE India, and they don’t stop at that, they even claim Himachal pradesh & Uttarakhand. I totally get the hate against India bc lets face it, many Indians have used Nepali as a slur even against us NE Indians although i wouldn’t claim every Indian does this because there is also the other side of the coin where many Indians revere Nepali as this some pure Hindu land. Every single Video of HP, UK, and NE India u see there, best believe there will be nepalis camping in the comment section claiming it and before my introduction to TikTok, i didn’t know about any of this at all!! so i would genuinely correct them?? but it has reached this point where it is frustrating. Because as someone from Manipur, i don’t think we have any connection whatsoever with NEPAL??
Also, I know there are many nepalis in Sikkim but i don’t there is any separatist movement there? There are many comments with lots of likes claiming India stole Sikkim and i am just flabbergasted. I wasn’t aware this was such a popular belief in Nepal. I am pretty sure Sikkim wouldn’t have even become a part of India if not for the nepali population there so it is kind of ironic. I also see hate on “Indian gorkhalis” claiming these indians are stealing their momo, cultural dress and what not. I DID NOT KNOW THERE WAS BEEF BETWEEN THEM!
Sometimes, the Indian hate don’t even make sense. I am not even the most patriotic person but it kinda annoys me like i dare you, I DARE YOU to post all this on instagram where Indians can actually see your content. I hate being spoken over. If you have something to say or claim, please lets watch them together, discuss them together where many of us can see it! This is just cowardice. You claim Paharis of HP & UK & NE Indians but then ignore Madhesis of your own country and say they are Indians lol. Make it make sense to me. And if this wasn’t frustrating enough, there are also Bangladeshis claiming NE India. That’s a little too much, you aren’t even invited bangladesh. They have so much audacity to do it where Indians can’t see. Heck, i swear i have seen more positive comments from Pakistanis towards India than Nepalis & Bangladeshis and i am sure Indians wouldn’t believe me lol. Also, what’s with every Video of Buddha or Buddhism being spammed with comments of BUDDHA WAS BORN IN NEPAL. Yea, we get it. I learn new information from them everytime like i didn’t know Buddha was Newari? 😂
P.S. I love my Indian nepalis. I grew up with them and they are the loveliest people i know. My Nepali neighbor uncle used to say “We Nepalis are like Alu, we can go well with everything” and i agree!