Helpful Omnichord links and Resources wanted! (A message from the Omnichord Discord Server team)
Hey everyone! the mod team for the Omnichord discord server is currently compiling a comprehensive collection of Omnichord related links and resources. The idea is to put them all in one singular organized list for people to reference, adding and categorizing any helpful or interesting links people have found over the years. If you want to help us out, please post any links you have, be they links to sites, guides, useful posts, informational videos, lessons, PDFs/documentation, Anything you think will help your fellow Omnichord players. Current Resource categories (not finalized/limited to)
- Playing Tips, lessons and guides
- technical Info, repair and mods
- History, documentation, and promotional materials
- Omnichord Communities
- Omnichord Content creators
- Omnichord Alternatives and other Chord machines (similar instruments, or omnichord apps/programs)
- Shops (omnis, parts, and accessories)