They have to remove deranking after getting a rank update.
Everyone knows overwatch ranked is garbage. Having to win 7 games to see a rank change. And most of the games are not balanced at all. Im a high plat player, and i play againts gm and top 500 sometimes, and i just get rolled. And that shouldn't happen, and after winning 7 games, the feeling after ranking up only one rank just feels bad. Staying the same rank after getting 7 wins is even more annoying, and it always happens. Most of the time, i will stay the same rank. I stayed plat 2 4 times already. Four times. I solo queue, so i encounter a lot of bad and toxic players. And just playing the match is a struggle. Now imagine having to deal with supports who refuse to heal, throwing dps almost every single game. And then when you magically get 7 wins, you derank. I got to plat 1 yesterday. Today, i won 7 matches and lost 4. You might think that pretty good, right? I also thought that, and i was happy, i thought i would finally be able to get to diamond. But no, i derank into plat 2 once again. It has happened to me 2 times already, and i just dont feel like playing the game. I just wanna quit, but i can't cause im so close to getting to diamond.