Symmetra's perks next season are really underwhelming

I'm sure by now we've all seen the Season 15 spotlight. If not, a rundown of the coming perks are here.

I'd just like to explain how disappointed myself and many in r/SymmetraMains are with her perks. A couple are just number tweaks, with the only significant gameplay change being Teleporter self-healing (which I believe will be fairly niche).

Compare this to Sombra. Who, for some reason, will become a healer now?

It seems quite strange to give healing to Sombra, a hero who was never a support, and not Symmetra, who used to be a support hero.

It's especially disappointing how Orisa, Hanzo, and Torbjorn are getting parts of their pre-rework kits back with their perks but Symmetra is not. This was a perfect opportunity to either replace Teleporter with Shield Generator (or old photon barrier), or attach some sort of team overhealth/healing to teleporter or turrets.

I hope there's still time to revise these perks and make more interesting/risky changes to this hero. It would just be nice to receive the same treatment as other heroes.