My biggest concerns with Stadium: queue times and longevity

So IMO, Overwatch Stadium looks like, probably the second best thing Blizzard ever announced for Overwatch behind the cancelled PvE, and Stadium is actually locked in to launch in 2 months unlike PvE!

However, I have some grave concerns for its longevity, as we know, Stadium is going to be a permanent mode and an integral part of the OW2 ecosystem come season 16. A big reason for my concern is the fact it launches with only 14 heroes, a handful of maps, with promise of more coming gradually as time goes on.

We saw what happened to story missions, which are no longer released after the first 3 flopped financially and feedback-wise. which brings me to my next point, I guess Stadium itself sounds incredible on paper. it'll have endless variation and a hella lot more replayability than a handful of paywalled story-heavy, scripted quests. but i guess we wont find out until Season 16 if it'll stand the test of time and will be kept to speed with the base pvp experience from then onwards. especially we need to really see how good the mode is in our hands.

Coming to think of it, story, hero gauntlet and now hero mastery are all abandoned as of now. but they all have something in common, they were lackluster with not much replayability. if stadium can overcome these hurdles, it'll surely be here to stay right? which comes to another point i suggested in the title:

queue times. if Stadium is an absolute hit, there is still grave concerns for how long the honeymoon period lasts, and if people will genuinely stay interested. it is permanent after all. I guess Practice vs AI still has plenty of players in certain regions, but it has been also been all but abandoned. no clash, no new hero bots since mauga. which reminds me, workshop is abandoned and bugged.

i love overwatch 2 in its current state, don't get me wrong but i really want to be assured Stadium is here for the long haul. and that it remains a key part of what makes this game unique and special. who knows, it'll probably be so popular that base pvp will be shafted lol. it happened in other games.

The last concern i have is having a ranking system, which comp pisses me off constantly because of it. but i guess thats just a skill issue lol