Anyone else heard of Engineer M.A.Mirza of being a RAND agent ? ðð
I can't help but laugh, I have seriously have seen videos by QAR and another mufti and people in comments saying he's a RAND corp. Agent.
There is some old list released by the corp that categories Muslims in four groups . 1) Fundamentaliats 2) Traditionalist 3)Modern 4) Secular
And somehow he falls in the last two categories or supports those people and is trying to make Pakistan secular or something and supporting liberal groups and America.
On the more serious note I sometimes wonder when will people come out of this fear mongering and rumor spreading stuff ,it seriously is dangerous and harmful to real life people.
It's so easy for any random to start making videos about prominent figures who are actually doing some good in the society.People actually believe the conspiracies and get worked up, they don't laugh it off or roll eyes , they may attack or invade that person's personal space like those crazy fans stalkers and may do actual harm. So many cases of misguided vigilantes thinking they are doing some good.
I might be the minority and obviously it's not never gonna be implemented but I think there should be rules on who can make videos and what type of content they are putting out in public. The brain rot has completely damaged any sense of individual thought or some reasonal content that actually is helpful to people.
Someone who has no sense of science or how human body works will be giving 'totkay' on curing cancer and diabetes. Some miracle oil to treat arthritis and broken bones and what not.
Aunties will be telling you to put this and that on your face and young girls will do that to look beautiful and only end up with allergic reaction.
Like literally seen ads of yoga being used to treat hernia.ðð
Lemme know what you guys think and which content that's absurd have you come across on YT and tiktok etc.