
Something that interests me A TON is the idea of traits in Paralives. A few things that I think could make the game more dynamic and increase the replay factor of the game are children vs adult traits.

When having children, the traits should either be picked by the player OR developed through experience and by growing up.

Only about 20-60% of personality traits are inherited, so maybe a system where you can have “childish traits” like bubbly or playful that turn into more rounded mature traits down the line.

For example, if a child has Playful tendencies, Later in life they could be more carefree Something that would make this more dynamic is by having a flaw, like sloppiness or something where carefree also ties into being kinda lazy.

Another could be Responsible as a child Making a perfectionist adult And have a large negative reaction to failing something or doing poor at work.

This is a lot to ask for, I love thinking of ways that the game or mods could make the game that much more interesting. This game has surprised us so much I’m excited for its release!