Conversation with shadow person as a child

I’ll preface by saying I can’t rule out that this was a dream, but it felt very real and has stuck with me ever since.

The scene is still clear in my head: I’m 6 years old, in my bed trying to fall asleep in dim lamp lighting. I’m looking towards the foot of my bed. The right side of my bed is up against a wall, and the foot of my bed is at the open doorway. I can see a sliver of the hallway, receding into shadow.

I’m at the edge of sleep, maybe fading in and out, and then at some point I notice a dark figure standing at the foot of my bed facing at me. It’s the height of an adult, all black. I couldn’t make out a face or distinctive details, but interpreted as wearing a flowy hooded cloak, kind of vague and blobby.

Interestingly the atmosphere felt fairly normal and calm. As scary as it looked, it didn’t startle me all that much at the time. Only looking back on it it’s become more unsettling. It wasn’t threatening, but did made me feel shy or nervous, as if I was talking to an adult I didn’t know.

It proceeded to ask me benign small talk-ish questions. “What’s your name? How old are you?” I can’t remember if it had a voice or what it sounded like. But I do remember squeaking out an answer to each question out loud, maybe squirming a little bit with awkwardness under my covers, not knowing who this is, wondering what’s going on. But the vibe was very much that this is a real adult in front of me whose questions I should answer, and this was a normal situation.

The interaction was pretty short, maybe a minute, and then it just faded back into the dark hallway unceremoniously, and that was it.

Anybody else have experiences from childhood like this?