Do I have a chance at the Ivy’s?

I just recently completed my Master’s in Social Work and I’m like 90% sure I’m going to pursue a PhD. I’ve been looking into sociology, social psychology, social work, and other similar humanities programs. I’d love to go Ivy, but I don’t think that’s very realistic.

All of my schools have been state/public schools with high acceptance rates, like 80%+, in the US. I wasn’t a top student by any means but I was and have always been a very strong student. I never received anything less than a 3.7 for all my degrees (I have 2 associates, a bachelors, and a masters). I worked full-time while going to school full-time, even in grad school when I also had to maintain a part-time internship.

As a part of my day to day job I was also involved in multiple studies for the medical campus/hospital of an R1 institution and am a coauthor on two of them. This was all during my last year of undergrad and my graduate degree.

I’d love to hear from people at Ivy’s and other R1 institutions what you think my chances would be. Also if you have any advice on the application process, rec letters, and/or tips for my resume/cv.

Edited to add more info: I’ve done limited research into PIs that I’d love to work with and the research they’re doing and have identified a few; 2 of them are at the same institution and operate their own labs, another is local to me, and the last is at an Ivy. I feel confident in who I am and that my personal statement is strong, as well as what I can contribute to the field and research. My worry was my grades and prior work for admission to these places.