A rant about Stars/The Couple Next Door/ Outlander S7 finale

STARZ! Stop trying to shove The Couple Next Door down our throats! I am not watching it after the season finale of Outlander. It feels like the past several interviews Sam has done, they have lumped in The Couple Next Door while talking about Outlander. To me, there is no comparison and as a long time fan, I feel it’s almost disrespectful to the books and the show to promote them together. I know I will probably get some hate for saying this but I’m honestly wondering if I’m alone in feeling this way. With that being said, I watched TCND last year using a vpn. I wasn’t entirely impressed but I watched bc I’m a fan of Sam Heughan. He’ll always be Jamie Fraser to me, so maybe I am being extra critical bc his character, Danny, is definitely not a great person. But the story felt all over the place and there were too many subplots going on. It felt like they wanted to make a show just to have onscreen sex which is fine but I’d prefer it to have some sort of a point. I know I’m being a bitter Betty but I’m a hardcore Outlander fan and I can’t help it! Plus Sam and Caitriona’s chemistry is so rare and magical it makes it difficult to compare.