Should I get sygna suit Serena despite me genuinely liking her
The reason I ask this is because I have not only sygna suit Brendan and ALT. Leon meaning I can have a full dragon team with all of there ex roles unlocked but also I'm not sure if core enforcer is a good dragon move even if I were to give her candies and I don't know how I would setup Zygarde complete when the best I can do are NC Bianca, anniversary Lillie who I have unlocked her ex role for, ALT. Elio with his unlocked ex role( Yes, I know Brendan has the sprint Ex role but I gave it to Elio as I thought It would be better I idea since he take both phys and spc damage and use the sync move combined with champion Bianca and Spam Bleakwind storm and then use his sync nuke with the flying debuff). And the cherry on top is the fact that I don't have that many good sync pairs where they can all share one typing and I also lack a consistent dragon damage dealer that's not Zinnia or Cyrus of which I can't ex since I used his 5star power up for other characters and im thinking with Zygarde and it complete form I can finally have good dragon damage dealing team.