Mimikyusers: How do you use your Mimis?

Howdy, y'all. I was fortunate enough to be blessed with a pretty great (3x Trigger up) Mimikyu this morning. I'm generally aware of how its Disguise gimmick works in this game, but now that I'm actually staring down the prospect of actually potentially using one of these guys, I'm curious about whether folks find that "Great Success" activation to be the main draw, or merely a very nice bonus.

It's gonna take a lot of seeds to make this little dude competitive, and it seems like a waste to pump 5+ seeds into a Pokémon I might potentially bench after its first skill activation every day. So I'd love to get a vibe check first, ideally from folks who actually have and use Mimikyu regularly, and see what y'all think of its gimmick, and its performance generally.

So, how do you use Mimikyu? Do you bench it (until reset) for a different Pokémon after it crits? Do you find it still pulls its weight even after it crits? Or if it doesn't crit at all? (Which I'm assuming is possible, based on the skill description). Would love to hear y'all's thoughts and experience!
