Disconnecting mid battle?

I frequently have been getting disconnected during matches. I’ll reconnect about 1-2 mins later but by that time obviously the damage to me and the team is bad. Occasionally we can recover and win still but besides the point. It doesn’t happen all the time but usually for about 5 matches in a row, generally over the course of a few days. I usually stop playing due to this and not wanting to upset my teammates. 
I have restarted my modem/router, gotten a replacement modem/router. Changed settings on my switch, connected via Ethernet cable (this helps but isn’t perfect), uninstalled and reinstalled the game a few times, cleaned out my switch and replaced the thermal paste, and a few other things I can’t think of at the moment. 
My internet is decently fast (ATT fiber 1000mbps) and my house isn’t big and I’m never far away from the router when I play in handheld mode. The connection icon on the Home Screen is always in the green too. When I play on my phone I never have an issue with internet connection, more of an issue with not having a controller to play how I like. 
Any suggestions or fixes that helped others?