Intense pain on left hand side 24 weeks
I'm going into the doctor tomorrow but just leaving this here because I'm in so much pain I can't sleep. I have had sharp pain on the left lower side of my tummy, I think it's either by my bladder or a kidney I'm not sure. At first I thought it's round ligament but this pain is persistent. I haven't been sick once throughout this pregnancy (except for HG) but I haven't had a single cold , infection etc and all my bloods and urine have been coming back clear. The pain I'm feeling hurts when you press down. I can feel baby moving sometimes in the exact area of the pain so I don't know if she's lying on a nerve or if it's my fibroids.
Anyway just a little rant hopefully tomorrow we will find out what's going on. We also have an ultrasound for Mondahmorning so answers aren't too far away.