Is it weird/cringey to use your tuition benefit to take undergraduate classes?

Either from students in the classes you are taking, your students you are teaching in your classes, or your coworkers/chair?

I know I shouldn't care what other people think, yadda yadda; I'm mostly wondering if it could be perceived as strange by my chair or odd if I have someone who is a student in a class I teach but a peer in a class I am taking. I'm also envisioning a "How do you do, fellow kids?" moment in a group project or something.

I'm mostly just intrinsically interested to learn about a new subject totally unrelated to what I teach. But as a NTT, I also want to expand my skillset because I am first on the chopping block if things go belly up with the current political hostility towards higher ed. in the USA.

I know I am definitely overthinking this, but someone give me permission to not worry!