New here Hello...👋
Hi everyone! So I'm brand new to this group so I apologise if I'm putting this post in the wrong place. I'm not entirely sure where to start.
Over the last few months or so I've been through an emotional time (I'm alot better now I'll just clarify and I have seen a doctor. I'm absolutely fine.) and I now believe I'm currently experiencing a spiritual awakening.
Over the last month or so particularly I've been seeing and hearing things "spiritually" the messages are becoming clearer and clearer. I believe this is called "clairaudience" and "clairvoyance" I'm very new to this so I'm just hobbling through Google trying to make sense of anything at the moment.
I "hear" these messages in repeated words, songs and I've briefly heard voices but not understood what they have said like it hasn't been clear enough or it happens so fast I can't decipher it. I've also "seen" signs in the forms of feathers, pairs of birds (amongst other things but those are just off the top of my head but there's lots of them and I have been journalling for the last fortnight because I think I'm getting messages all the time. I'm finding it quite tiresome) and repeating patterns of numbers. I cannot get away from repeated and mirrored numbers. I believe these "angel" numbers!?? Is that correct? Again...very new to all this I apologise if I sound stupid.
Can someone help me with how I would go about "developing" these skills? Can I do something to make the messages clearer? Can I do something to make them go away? I've always been very intuitive and I tend to pick up on things before anyone else does in many situations and at times it has shocked people. Some have even described me as a "human lie detector" so it's possibly something I've always had? I'm not sure... I'm quite lost with it all really and I'm not sure where to turn with it as it's all quite overwhelming.
Not sure if this is needed but I'm a 37 year old woman.
Any guidance or help will be greatly appreciated
Thanks xx
(Just to clarify again I have seen a doctor about my mental health and I'm absolutely fine. It was the first thing I was concerned about)