My friend and I have played rlcraft on and off past few years a month or two at a time and now I can comfortably say I quit pissed off for the first time.
This has been the worst time in the modpack so far. Little to no POIs few ruins or empty houses here and there, villages and POIs with villagers have all but one been vacant somehow, constantly being hit through walls by mobs, mobs spawning has been so finicky either there is one or a hundred spawning at a time and I now for the first time ever absolutely despise the temperature mod. I have hypothermia next to lava, fire, multiple furnaces, in the desert during the day sometimes, and hypertermia in the middle of the night in the desert.
I don't remember rlcraft being such an ANNOYING fest earlier on. Used to be a fun "challenging" modpack not challenging because it's annoying.
Now feeling annoyed with a headache really thinking how am I gonna get the motivation to join the server again when I just died 20 times trying to get my items because I died in a 3 block wide stream and they're all over while being pounded by jengu and the frost event.
EDIT: Forgot to bitch about the fucking amount of grues suddenly in the game. I swear I can't move an inch without a unconsenting gangbang by them. No spawners, no dark but still getting the absolute japanese star treatment.