Just bought an FC, what will need replacing?
I just bought a 91 FC in Japan and have a few months until it arrives here in Canada and I'm wondering what sort of parts I should be buying knowing it's likely been sitting for periods of time throughout its life.
It's only got 52000km which can be a blessing and a curse, but I'm assured it runs and drives well. I've been sent several videos of it cold starting without issue and holding a steady idle, as well as smooth revs and returning back to idle. By all accounts it does look to run well like the dealer said.
I fully intend on taking this car to the grave with me and am going to be maintaining and building it with high quality parts over years so I want to do it properly.
I'm not afraid to turn a wrench but am somewhat new to rotaries. This car will be a welcome learning curve but I also have disposable income to take it to the specialty shop for bigger jobs.
I'm planning on replacing the plugs and wires, fuel filters, intake filter, and doing a full fluid flush. Are there any other parts/jobs I should be looking into to doing right away?