Sell or build on 11.5 acres?

I inherited 11.5 acres of land several years ago and have left it dormant for years. It’s given me a lot of anxiety because I’m not “well off” enough to do things like that, and I’m typically very good at caring for things that I have been lucky enough to receive in life. I’ve decided I either need to sell or build to finally get out of this funk.

The land is along a highway and a topographical challenge. It’s very LCOL though and near my family. (I live thousands of miles away.) The driveway alone is estimated at $20k to get to an area to build that is quiet and flat, then building is $150/sf or so. Utilities may be another $30k. I would possibly airbnb it and have airbnb’ed property before.

The land itself is worth $100k though. With the proceeds, I could just sell to try to get a bigger lot where I live when I’m ready to buy another house. (For reference my house is worth $800k or so with an excellent rate and more than half equity. I have <1/4 acre lot.)

Any thoughts to help me decide?