(30M) - Just a self-note on dating and love.

I recently came across something that perfectly captures what I and a few of us feel, and I just had to share it because it’s expressed so elegantly.

The reason why I stay single is because of the fact I'm looking for my ride or die and I know it's hard to find it but I still want that 80s and 90s love and it is slowly dying. That breed is dying. I just want to take somebody out to dinner and ask her the questions, the right questions about our future and what she's looking for.

I want to take her for some dessert and just make her smile and make her laugh. I just want to get her home safe and then just shoot her a text so she doesn't feel confused. I want to be consistent. I want to be loyal, I want to be respectful. I want to make sure that she's the only woman I'm entertaining. But it's so hard these days when you can't find these 80s and 90s love. These little boys and these little girls are messing up. With the dating generation is now, the dating scene is trash.

So, for me, I'd rather stay single than mess up my peace with somebody and stress out and it's not going to go anywhere. I'm looking for true love. I'm not looking for temporary. I'm looking for marriage, I'm not looking to stay single. I don't want to go through divorce. I just want somebody I know is going to be my ride or die. Sometimes, a lot of y'all are playing too many games and I'm just scared sometimes. So, whenever you have that 80s and 90s love, you hit me up. But if you don't, please don't waste my time. I don't got time for this.