Books for someone who grew up in evangelic charismatic movement and is trying to deal with their religious trauma?
I come from one of the most atheistic countries in the world and no one I know has any experience with religion, especially with charismatic movement, as I believe there are only two or three churches in my country that are part of it...and ours was (probably, at least from my online research) the most cult - like. I go to therapy and there are no therapists in my country that have experience with religious trauma (despite the fact that I am willing to pay a lot of money) and when I see them at loss for words it makes me feel like an outcast. I even had therapist crying during my session when I spoke about our "church".
I am looking for a literature I can relate to and that will make me feel less lonely in this whole experience. Fiction or non fiction, I don't care. I just want something to make me feel less alone. If you can recommend any international resources for people suffering from religious trauma I'll be glad to hear about it, but I think all I can count on is a literature.