What Is This Sub’s Take on Psychic Phenomena?

Out of all the various occultism related topics that I’ve seen discussed on this sub, I think that psychic/telepathic-adjacent ideas have been discussed the least.

I personally don’t believe in psychokinesis or remote viewing, but I do think that there is some kind of intuitive ability that humans have. The perfect example of this is with those “gut feelings” that everyone gets once in a while. There have been several times where I’ve been able to “sense” what a close friend or family member was going to do before they did it, but I interpret that as knowing them so well that I’m on the same “mental wavelength” so to speak.

That being said, I’m curious to hear what your takes on it are. Do you think there is a SASS way to explain psychic phenomena or do you think that such a thing is impossible?

Thank you in advance.