More bad news about darkanimeinc page - (streamable wasn't founded until 2014)
I always had thought the twistedanger and darkanimeinc leads were legitimate, but now I'm starting to think otherwise. So I saw the recent talks about the darkanimeinc link being invalid. And I did a bit of digging and found that that's completely correct. For onion links, the domain has to be exactly 16 characters long and can't contain the numbers 0, 1, 8, or 9. Our address is both 34 characters long and contains the numbers 0 and 9, making it an invalid deep web address. The only conclusion I can reach from this is that our darkanimeinc address is not, and never could have been a valid address, based on how onion addresses are generated.
Then I found something even more concerning. If you remember, the website code gets the video from a link, as you can see in the source code. Also remember that this archive is supposedly from 2013. But through my research, I found that streamable as a company wasn't founded until 2014.
On the wayback machine, you can see archives of from before 2014 where it looks like the domain belongs to a different company. Here is in 2013 Back then it belonged to a company named "streamable solutions" and said it provided "ad serving solutions to online media content owners and radio networks, as well as to the online business marketplace". So this was a different company that sold ad space or something. Wayback machine doesn't show the streamable site turning into the video streaming service until late 2014. This means that it is impossible for the darkanimeinc page to be from 2013, as it used a video hosting service that didn't exist until late 2014.
So really I don't know what to think about all of this. I now think the archived page is most likely not legitimate, but I don't think it's possible that anyone in our community was posing as twistedanger. One of the things twistedanger first said was that LITSOB had a lost anime adaptation/spin-off. We later asked youtuber Brutalitywillrule666, who made a review of LITSOB, and he said he had heard the very same rumor a few years ago about this LITSOB anime. If someone was just pretending to be twistedanger, they would have had no way of knowing about this LITSOB anime rumor. This makes me believe this really was twistedanger.
So I can really only think of two possibilities for what happened. One is that twistedanger started out trying to help when telling us about LITSOB, but for some reason later decided to troll us and created this page, saying it was from an archive. The other possibility is that twistedanger was trying to help us the entire time, and through whatever archive or indexing software they were using found this page that some troll had created at some point, and twistedanger just assumed it was real and shared it with us.
Honestly, I'm not sure. And I think the page being fake creates more questions than answers, but I thought I'd post what I found to see what everyone else thinks.